Today we said goodbye to Bethlehem and journeyed to Jericho, Qumran(where they found the Dead Sea Scrolls), floated (kind of) in the Dead Sea and journeyed to the top of Masada.
The theme of the day for me was 'fleeting'.
While Jericho is the world'a oldest city it has housed many people groups and no one reign survived. City upon city were built there and who knows for sure how long any one group lasted. The same can be said for the cave dwellers of Qumran and all the groups at Masada. And the Dead Sea is well, dying. It's still being used as a main water source and unless another source is found it could dry up within 20-30 years.
Walking through these ancient spaces and knowing countless lives ended in those very spots provides perspective into my own mortality. Life is fleeting. This clearer perspective makes me realize I have a life to live that's unique and totally my own. A gift from God.

So, even with what felt like every bird(I'm terrified) in Israel I traversed around Masada. Keeping an eye to the once in a lifetime view before me, and one eye on the birds, of course. My heart raced, I felt fear, and I might've screamed due to a fearless pigeon or two; but I did it. I lived atop that mountain.
Perhaps God made such a myriad of landscapes and locations as an opportunity for us to live through exploration. Discovering the Almighty's creations one step at a time.
I don't know how much time God has planned for me, but I intend to make the most of it. Maybe that means I'll travel or perhaps preach until I can't anymore. Maybe I'm supposed to paint or write. Whatever it is, wherever this journey takes me, I hope to live into each moment and give thanks often. Life is fleeting; how will you make the most of it?
Blessings and Peace,
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