The sites and remembered images from yesterday are like the beautiful varied mosaics we saw yesterday- some incomplete pictures but incredible color and pattern. We visited Capernum and saw the Church of the Annunciation then the Church of Joseph, we saw restored caves that were the common homes during the time of Jesus, and Mary's house. We've contemplated the importance of land, and the importance of the exactness of places where biblical events are said to have taken place. Yesterday we talked about the aspects of Jesus' life that resonate with us now. I have always loved the story of the resurrected Christ cooking fish for breakfast on the Shore of the Galilee and inviting the men to join him. They didn't recognize him at first. I think of how Jesus comes to us in the ordinary everyday ness of our lives and invites us to join him there.
Blessings, Kaye
We look forward each day to hearing about your experiences and how God is revealing His creation and blessings to you!