A blog of Louisville Seminary students and friends traveling to Israel and Palestine in January, 20

A blog of Louisville Seminary students and friends traveling to Israel and Palestine in January, 20

Thursday, January 23, 2014

What is Church?

What is church O' God?
Is it a building, or does it reside in the open fields of Galilee?
Church, my God, is where you are.

And You are everywhere.

Let us worship here and everywhere.

In Your Glorious name-Amen.

Above is a poem I wrote after visiting the Dome of the Rock and the Church at St. Anne's. I write this blog as two Muslims have jovial conversation with a Christian in our hotel lobby. 

I first wrote asking the question of how three faiths could coexist in and around each other. I'd bow answer with one word; gracefully. Why? Because God is everywhere making room enough for all.  

Blessings and Peace,


  1. So I take it, based on total blog writings, you sort of feel "at church" the whole time you are in Israel and Palestine. Do you feel closer to God? Has God gotten closer to you? Who moved? This is part of what I would like to explore in my two weeks. Enjoy the fleeting hours of Jerusalem and high holy ones. Expect a slew of very cold weather upon your return. Likely snow still around or coming again. Almost packed.
    Shalom and Salaam. - Steve P

  2. I think that it s a great way to put it Steve. Part of that comes from our praying and reflection/devotional time that happens twice a day as a group. But also we are going to all of these deeply spiritual sites and for me I cannot help but pray there. I look forward to hearing about how this trip feels and looks for you. Safe travels and see you at dinner Monday!!
