A blog of Louisville Seminary students and friends traveling to Israel and Palestine in January, 20

A blog of Louisville Seminary students and friends traveling to Israel and Palestine in January, 20

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Pre-Trip Potluck: Hearts Full (and bellies, too!)

Tonight many members of both groups gathered for a potluck to celebrate the upcoming trips to Israel and Palestine. Those of us in the first group are but days away as our flight leaves in just FIVE days. As we gathered round table to break bread together excitement filled the air as we each shared in our joy leading up to such a momentous trip!
                With bellies full we then gathered in a small chapel space to ask questions, share concerns and joy for what we are about to experience as we journey to the Holy Land. Many of us asked questions about currency exchange rates, luggage weight limits, what to pack and what to be prepared for as we traverse a brand new land. In the air seemed a good amount of anxiety (at least for me!) with a healthy mix of anticipation for what’s to come.
                As the celebration came to a close we ended in a word of prayer. One of our co-leaders, Tyler, challenged each of us in that prayer; let our hearts be open to new experiences and may God bless us every step of the way. (My own paraphrasing, of course!) It seemed in that prayer that my anxieties dissipated a little and I was reminded of some closing words that have recently become near and dear to my heart. As I close this entry, I pray I am able to live into the comfort of these words, and to the actions for which they call of me, not just for this trip, but always. May God remain ever present beside us, may the Spirit continue to move within us, and May the love and grace of Jesus Christ be with us now and forevermore.
                We are excited for this journey, we hope you’ll join us every step of the way!
Blessings and Peace,

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