A blog of Louisville Seminary students and friends traveling to Israel and Palestine in January, 20

A blog of Louisville Seminary students and friends traveling to Israel and Palestine in January, 20

Monday, January 20, 2014

Letting Go of Fear

Yesterday, for me anyway, was another lesson in how history teaches us today. 

We journeyed to Herodium and saw Herod's fortress, but what was most stunning was the view. It was spectacular and vast but that wasn't what made it so amazing. It was built in an area that gave a 360 degree view of the surroundings. For us, we could see the Moab mountain range that sits in Jordan in the distance. 

As I took panoramics of the view I thought about how building a fortress in a place like that was the epitome of control. Herod needed desperately to feel like he was in control of his surroundings. What else did he crave control in? And does that control stem out of fear of the unknown? 

Fear can be a driving factor for many, including me. It seems serendipitous that we visited this place on the celebration of  Dr. King Jr. We listened to one of his speeches while driving to Herodium over the PA system. It seemed as the Palestinian landscape streamed past Dr. King's words highlighted the fear of difference that still exists globally. 

Dr. King gave us a prelude to Herod's chosen lookout. A man who faced stabbings, jail time and death to break down the walls built by those who wished to control segregation. Walls built out of fear.

It makes you think about what you're afraid of and what you are willing to stand up for. A friend discussed fear last night in our reflection time, a familiar verse rolled off my tongue: Isaiah 41:10. Whatever translation you prefer in whatever language speaks to you, read that verse. I hope it can allow you to let go, as it does for me, and look out into the great expanse ready to explore it rather than watch it from afar high up in a walled fortress of fear.

Be the change. 

Blessings and Peace,



  1. The Holy One is indeed with you. Fear not. Let go and let God. - Steve P

  2. Thanks Steve! Get ready, it's almost your turn!
