A blog of Louisville Seminary students and friends traveling to Israel and Palestine in January, 20

A blog of Louisville Seminary students and friends traveling to Israel and Palestine in January, 20

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Jerusalem at last...

Well we made it. We have arrived in Jerusalem and begun the final part of our pilgrimage.  The journey to get here has often felt like a blur and many of us are relying on carefully taken notes and pictures to remind us of all our steps when we get home.

Today we stepped off the bus on the Mt. of Olives and journeyed through the new city towards to Lion's Gate and then wove through the market before reaching our Old City home in the heart of this ancient city. We looked with awe from a Jewish Cemetery at the marvelous landscape before us, the gold shine of a familiar dome guiding our path. We stopped every so often to marvel at gardens or churches. 

We stopped in Gethsemane and I wept as I walked through holding my grandmother's picture of her in that very spot. It was the first time I allowed myself to think about how much I miss home. As we continued our journey I thought of Jesus and how far from home he was when he walked that path, too. I wonder if he missed the smells and familiar faces the same way I do, or perhaps he missed his pet if he had one, like I do. 

Then as I fought to catch my breath walking up the steep hill to the gate I wondered what Jesus thought as he came over the hill and was met with a colossal gate towering over. Weaving through to small streets of a long market I wondered what people must've thought as they watched Jesus walk by. 

I know we will walk the path Jesus walked on his final journey while we are here. Our guide might have a map or perhaps she knows the way by heart. Me? I'll let scripture lead the way and remember that no matter how many people might walk there, Jesus paved the way. My own exhaustion seemed to dissipate as I pondered the last week of Jesus' life. The time has come, it is here. Every step has led to here; I'm ready at long last to walk the footsteps of Jesus. Thanks be to God for this opportunity.

Blessings and Peace,

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